Monday, December 7, 2009


I started reading The Secret. I gotta tell ya, I'm loving it. My mind set has completely shifted. I am positive, happy and slightly irritating for those around me. My roomie is totally irritated but it's already working and she can't even deny it. Here's the deal: The Secret is all about thinking your dreams into reality. Manifestation. Making what you want happen. Realizing the power of your own thoughts. Think of what you want and it will be. Believe it already is and it will be.
One day the roomie tested me. She said "If you're going to manifest at least manifest us some free pot!" Of course she was joking but I did. I thought about it. About having it and how it would smell, feel, taste, look, every detail. A couple days later, there it was. A pile of free pot for us. Thinking about having money, being able to pay my bills, feeling the way I feel when my bills are all paid and I have no worries has brought more money to me. A can full of change I forgot I even had (with over $100 in it), my first Christmas bonus ($200), and bonuses for things at work that I would have done for no extra money but instead will get a few more hundred bucks. I am excited to see all the things that are possible. Anything is possible and it's all about finding out what I really want, what I really need and what really makes me happy. Guess what? What makes me really happy, is already in my life. Try this when you feel down: Think of all the things you are grateful for. Everything. I have working legs, arms, lungs. My heart pumps my blood perfectly. My friends are awesome. I have my own house. I own my own car outright. The heater in my home works and if it doesnt work enough I have a ton of warm blankies to keep me warm. I have my perfect phone. I have 2 tv's and a stereo. I have furniture and food to eat and cups to drink out of. Clean water comes out of my faucet so I can drink any time I want. I can take hot showers every day. I get to put on make up that I love. I get to choose what to wear every day of my life. I have the best job on the planet at the best company on the planet. My company really makes a difference in this world. I have never broken a bone. I got rid of that pesky appendix that no one really needs and made room for more positive energy to flow through me.
Am I sounding ridiculous? I don't care, because it makes me happy to think of all the awesome things I have and have access to. I am so blessed and I am now making sure to thank the universe every day for all the awesomeness it provides me. Maybe to you I sound kookoo, but maybe YOU should give it a try. Before you go to bed every night go through your mind and think of all the things you are grateful to have in your life. Your legs work?? Thats awesome! You have all your fingers?? Omg woohoo!! You have a home and a bed to sleep in every night?? Sweet!! You have a toaster AND a microwave?!? Life couldn't get better.
Try it. See if it doesnt make you feel just a little better about your life just the way it is. Now envision how you want it to be. Make sure to pay attention to the details. The way your perfect sheets feel when you lay on them, the way the air feels on your perfect cruise vacation, the way your perfect pet makes you feel. Feel the way you would feel if you had exactly what you want and it will come because you feel like you have it so why wouldn't it come?
Just try it.

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